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Open and distance education in global environment: Opportunities for collaboration
Pulist, S. K.

PublishedJanuary 2007
Type of workBook review
JournalTurkish Online Journal of Distance Education
Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 213-214

Distance education system in India has undergone many stages and phases of evolution before it really reached the stage of what is called open education, ICT-enabled education and global education. During these phases, it has assimilated different aspects of ICT with all applauds and has been able to go hand-in-hand with it transcending the national and regional boundaries. The distance education institutions have now started giving a serious thought to explore the possibility of cross-boarder expansion. The educational needs of the present society are changing very fast. The education is now being seen as an enabling tool for empowerment and all-round development of individuals. It is difficult for an institution to come up to all the educational requirements of the society. It is, therefore, time to collaborate rather than compete

Keywords book review · open education

Published atEskişehir
RefereedDoes not apply
Other informationTOJDE
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