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Portability and usability of open educational resources on mobile devices: A study in the context of Brazilian educational portals and Android-based devices
da Silva, André Constantino · Freire, Fernanda Maria Pereira · Mourão, Vitor Hugo Miranda · da Cruz, Márcio Diógenes de Oliveira · da Rocha, Heloísa Vieira

PublisherInternational Association for Development of the Information Society

Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed hypertext, audio, video, simulations, games and animations that are useful for teaching and learning purposes. In order to facilitate the location of such resources, educational content portals are being created, crowding contents that were produced by different teams with different technologies usually designed to be accessed by conventional computers equipped with keyboard, mouse and a medium sized screen. Since these resources are available in Internet and with the popularity of smartphones and tablets it is necessary to study the portability and the usability of these resources when accessed by these devices, which user interact with fingers. Due the changing of the input modalities and other device's characteristics some usability problems can occur and can impair the use of these resources in mobile devices. This exploratory study intended to raise and analyze possible difficulties of interaction between use

Keywords mobile devices · open educational resource · portability · usability

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More about MOOCs and developing countries
Trucano, Michael
Match: mobile devices

Learning competences in open mobile environments: A comparative analysis between formal and non-formal spaces
Dominguez, Daniel; Miravalles, Paz Trillo; Gil-Jaurena, Inés
As a result of the increasing use of mobile devices in education, new approaches to define the learning competences in the field of digitally mediated learning have emerged. This paper examines these approaches, using ...
Match: mobile devices

Identifying categories of open educational resource users
Weller, Martin; de los Arcos, Beatriz; McAndrew, Patrick; Pitt, Rebecca
The Open Educational Resource (OER) movement has been successful in developing a large, global community of practitioners, in releasing high-quality learning material and influencing policy. It now stands at the cusp of ...
Match: open educational resource

The infrastructure of openness: Results from a multi-institutional survey on OER platforms
Nyland, Rob
The purpose of this study is to understand how higher education institutions are selecting and using technology platforms for the creation and delivery of Open Educational Resources (OER). A survey about OER technology ...
Match: open educational resource

Understanding Chinese-speaking open courseware users: A case study on user engagement in an open courseware portal in Taiwan (Opensource Opencourse Prototype System)
Huang, Wen-Hao David; Lin, Meng-Fen Grace; Shen, Wendi
The open educational resource (OER) movement has reached a critical mass due to recent technology advancements. In Taiwan, to overcome the language barrier, the Opensource Opencourse Prototype System (OOPS) plays a ...
Match: open educational resource

The Open Textbook Toolkit: Seeding successful partnerships for collaboration between academic libraries and university presses
Waller, Mira; Cross, William M.
Libraries and university presses coexist in a complex and increasingly consolidated scholarly communication ecosystem. Each brings different strengths, values, and viewpoints that can inform and enrich a joint project. ...
Match: open educational resource

Investigating students’ use and adoption of with-video assignments: Lessons learnt for video-based open educational resources
Pappas, Ilias O.; Giannakos, Michail N.; Mikalef, Patrick
The use of video-based open educational resources is widespread, and includes multiple approaches to implementation. In this paper, the term “with-video assignments” is introduced to portray video learning resources ...
Match: open educational resource

Fit for Purpose: a cohort-centric approach to MOOC design
King, Carolyn; Doherty, Kathleen; Kelder, Jo-Anne; McInerney, Fran; et al.
How do you design a quality massive open online course (MOOC) that will be ‘fit for purpose’? The Understanding Dementia MOOC is an initiative of the University of Tasmania’s Wicking Dementia Research and ...
Match: open educational resource

Un accès payant pour des ressources éducatives en licence Creative Commons : un paradoxe étudié au prisme d’une étude de cas, Faq2Sciences
Cisel, Matthieu; Laudier, Nicolas
Le projet Faq2Sciences porté par l’Université Numérique Thématique Unisciel représente une banque de plusieurs milliers d’exercices en sciences naturelles, mathématiques et informatiques, alimentée par de ...
Match: open educational resource

The role of open educational resources in the eLearning movement
Mosharraf, Maedeh; Taghiyareh, Fattaneh
Open Educational Resources (OERs) have gained increased attention for their potential to provide equitable and accessible educational facilities for people worldwide. Obviating demographic, economic, and geographic ...
Match: open educational resource