Open educational resources and the new classroom ecology
Blyth, Carl

JournalModern Language Journal
Edition Summer, Volume 98, Issue 2, Pages 662-664
PublisherNational Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations
CountryUnited States, North America

Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Effects of open textbook adoption on teachers’ open practices
Mason, Stacie; Kimmons, Royce
The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand whether certain theoretical benefits that open educational resources (OER) might have on teacher practice were being realized by a group of secondary teachers ...
Match: open education; textbooks; United States; North America

Re-purposing an OER for the online language course: a case study of Deutsch Interaktiv by the Deutsche Welle
Dixon, Edward M.; Hondo, Junko
This paper will describe pedagogical approaches for re-purposing an open educational resource (OER) designed and produced by the Deutsche Welle. This free online program, Deutsch Interaktiv, consists of authentic ...
Match: collaborative learning; United States; North America

OER outreach for newbies, part III: Embracing the messiness
Crissinger, Sarah
This post is the third in a three-part series devoted to OER outreach (here are the first and second posts). I’ll use this post to advocate for more transparency from the library open education community in order to ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

From EDUPUNK to open policy: Critical technology Praxis within higher education
Miller, Jamison
Emerging less than a decade ago, the term EDUPUNK sought to encapsulate the nascent rebellion against the corporatism and neoliberal ideology permeating digital aspects of higher education. A loose association of ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

The open textbook toolkit: Developing a new narrative for OER support
Waller, Mira; Cross, Will; Hayes, Erica
This paper focuses on IMLS-funded research we have done around the practices and needs of psychology instructors considering adopting or creating open educational resources (OER). Over the past year and a half, we have ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

The open government partnership: Announcing new open government initiatives as part of the Second Open Government National Action Plan for the United States of America
The United States is building upon the commitments in the existing Second Open Government National Action Plan to include four new and expanded initiatives that align with the Open Government Partnership (OGP) grand ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

The OER adoption impact calculator, version 1.2
Wiley, David A.
The OER Adoption Impact Calculator helps you understand many of the potential impacts of adopting OER instead of traditionally copyrighted learning materials. The values in the Settings on the left are set to defaults ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

Introduction to open education: Towards a human rights theory
Blessinger, Patrick; Bliss, TJ
Education is recognized as a fundamental human right. Yet, many people throughout the world do not have access to important educational opportunities. Open education, which began in earnest in the late 1960s with the ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

2018-2019 Connect OER report
Nyamweya, Mo
This report offers a snapshot of the state of OER activities at participating institutions as of the end of the 2018-2019 academic year. Our intent is that these insights will help inform SPARC members, open education ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

OER outreach for newbies, part I: What I would do differently
Crissinger, Sarah
My library, in partnership with our Center for Teaching and Learning, recently launched a faculty stipend program for faculty interested in either replacing their traditional course materials with OER or sharing their ...
Match: open education; United States; North America