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Open government, more OER, and the state of news media
Hane, Paula J.

PublishedJune 2009
JournalInformation Today
Pages 7; 9–11
CountryUnited States, North America

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Free textbooks gain support among campus tech leaders
Wexler, Ellen
COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY officials appear more optimistic these days about open-source textbooks and open educational resources –teaching and learning materials that can be used at no cost. According to the latest ...
Match: United States; North America

United States: State department expands access to open educational resources in the Middle East and North Africa
Mena Report
The U.S. Department of State is sponsoring a special exchange program on Open Educational Resources (OER) for education leaders in the Middle East and North Africa. Open Educational Resources are ...
Match: United States; North America

How relevant and practical are Open Educational Resources?: A case for a little humility about the potential
There is a huge amount of public interest in recent initiatives from MIT and Stanford in the development of massive open online courses (MOOCs) and in open educational resources such as Apple’s iTunes University and ...
Match: government; North America

OER policy registry
Creative Commons
An Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy Registry, a database of 81 (30/07/2013) current and proposed open education policies from around the world. Here, anyone can easily share, update, and browse open education ...
Match: wiki; United States

Fitzpatrick, Sharyn
Educators and faculty members discover how to drive awareness and adoption of open textbooks at their own colleges. In an easy, accessible, readable style that has become the hallmark of THINKaha books, #OPEN TEXTBOOK ...
Match: accessibility; United States

Accessibility strategies for making MOOCs for people with visual impairments: A universal design for learning (UDL) perspective
Ngubane-Mokiwa, Sindile A
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were designed to enhance access to education to all that desire it. The open access drive seeks to promote free and equitable access to basic, higher, formal and informal education. ...
Match: accessibility; North America

MOOCs and their afterlives: Experiments in scale and access in higher education
Losh, Elizabeth
A trio of headlines in the Chronicle of Higher Education seem to say it all: in 2013, “A Bold Move Toward MOOCs Sends Shock Waves;” in 2014, “Doubts About MOOCs Continue to Rise,” and in 2015, “The MOOC Hype ...
Match: United States; North America

The Impact of OER Initiatives on Faculty Selection of Classroom Materials
Spilovoy, Tanya; Seaman, Jeff; Ralph, Nate
The adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) is on the rise, driven in part by increasing awareness of OER. But while faculty and institutions have shown increasing awareness and acceptance of OER, many remain ...
Match: United States; North America

Exclusive: Former Education Dept. advisor brings OER skills to Mass. school
Lestch, Corinne
Andrew Marcinek, who led the Open Educational Resources movement at the Department of Education, will put his experience into practice as CIO at Worcester Academy.
Match: United States; North America

MOOCs: Branding, enrollment, and multiple measures of success
Leeds, Elke M.; Cope, Jim
Match: United States; North America