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Open science by design: Realizing a vision for 21st century research
Committee on Toward an Open Science Enterprise [corporate] · Board on Research Data and Information [corporate] · Policy and Global Affairs [corporate] · National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine [corporate]

PeriodicalPages 1-205
PublisherNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, National Academies Press
CountryUnited States, North America

Openness and sharing of information are fundamental to the progress of science and to the effective functioning of the research enterprise. The advent of scientific journals in the 17th century helped power the Scientific Revolution by allowing researchers to communicate across time and space, using the technologies of that era to generate reliable knowledge more quickly and efficiently. Harnessing today’s stunning, ongoing advances in information technologies, the global research enterprise and its stakeholders are moving toward a new open science ecosystem. Open science aims to ensure the free availability and usability of scholarly publications, the data that result from scholarly research, and the methodologies, including code or algorithms, that were used to generate those data.

Open Science by Design is aimed at overcoming barriers and moving toward open science as the default approach across the research enterprise. This report explores specific examples of open science and discusses a range of challenges, focusing on stakeholder perspectives. It is meant to provide guidance to the research enterprise and its stakeholders as they build strategies for achieving open science and take the next steps.

Keywords access · barriers to Open Science · copyright law · economic barriers · FAIR Guiding Principles · open science · privacy concerns · scientific research

Published atWashington, D.C.
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright 2018 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
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Openness as social praxis
Smith, Matthew
Since the early 2000s, there has been an explosion in the usage of the term open, arguably stemming from the advent of networked technologies — including the Internet and mobile technologies. ‘Openness’ seems to ...
Match: research; open science; North America

OER impact study: Research report
Masterman, Liz; Wild, Joanna
Executive Summary (partial) Aims The OER Impact Study was conducted between November 2010 and June 2011 by a team from the University of Oxford. Its remit was to investigate university lecturers’ and students’ use ...
Match: research; United States; North America

RIPOFF 101: How the current practices of the textbook industry drive up the cost of college textbooks
Fairchild, Merriah; California Student Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG)
With student and faculty complaints about the price of college textbooks on the rise, the California Student Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG), the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) and the ...
Match: research; United States; North America

The open course library of the Washington State colleges
Caswell, Tom; Oblinger, Diana. G.
This case study describes an initiative of the Washington State community and technical colleges called the Open Course Library (OCL). The Open Course Library is a large-scale curriculum redesign effort leveraging a ...
Match: research; United States; North America

Panel — Teaching students to participate in Open Source Software projects
Ellis, Heidi J C.; Hislop, Gregory W.; Chua, Mel; Kussmaul, Clif; Burke, Matthew M.
This panel will present several experiences in involving students in Open Source Software (OSS) projects from the perspectives of both the instructor and a member of the OSS community. OSS is growing rapidly and gaining ...
Match: research; United States; North America

The promise of open access textbooks: A model for success
Henderson, Susie; Nelson, David
Can open textbooks provide a viable solution to the high cost of textbooks? Are open textbooks quality books? What will encourage faculty to develop or adopt open textbooks? What is a book? How do students prefer to ...
Match: research; United States; North America

Faculty and students’ perceptions of Open Educational Resources vs. traditional textbooks
Wagner, Karen Marie
This cross-sectional mixed-methods research study focused on the rising cost of textbooks and the availability and cost effectiveness of modern instructional support, such as open educational resources (OER) and open ...
Match: research; United States; North America

Teaching with OER during pandemics and beyond
Van Allen, Jennifer; Katz, Stacy
Purpose Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning materials openly licensed so that others may retain, reuse, revise, remix or redistribute (the 5Rs) these materials. This paper aims to raise awareness of OER by ...
Match: access; United States; North America

A cover-to-cover solution: How open textbooks are the path to textbook affordability
Allen, Nicole; Student PIRGS
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY College textbook prices have skyrocketed in recent years, threatening the affordability and accessibility of higher education in America. The average student spends $900 on textbooks annually, which ...
Match: research; United States; North America

Free textbooks gain support among campus tech leaders
Wexler, Ellen
COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY officials appear more optimistic these days about open-source textbooks and open educational resources –teaching and learning materials that can be used at no cost. According to the latest ...
Match: United States; North America