OER planning 101
Schneider, Bruce and Karpel, Nichole

Published17 September 2018
PublishereCampus News
CountryUnited States, North America

A good OER plan addresses resources, systems, training, assessment, and priorities.

Keywords institutional readiness · OER culture · OER launch · OER policy · OER procurement

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OER cost assessment strategies
Karpel, Nichole; Schneider, Bruce
Open educational resources can provide access to high-quality resources while offsetting the costs of traditional textbooks. An array of costs are associated with the "free" approach, however, and institutions that are ...
Match: Schneider, Bruce; Karpel, Nichole; United States; North America

Marking Open and Affordable Courses: Best Practices and Case Studies
Ainsworth, Breeman; Allen, Nicole; Dai, Jessica; Elder, Abbey; et al.
This collaboratively authored guide helps institutions navigate the uncharted waters of tagging course material as open educational resources (OER) or under a low-cost threshold by summarizing relevant state ...
Match: planning; United States; North America

OER state policy playbook
The OER State Policy Playbook provides policy recommendations for U.S. state legislators interested in tackling college affordability through Open Educational Resources (OER). The rising cost of higher education is ...
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

OER state policy in K-12 Education: Benefits, strategies, and recommendations for open access, open sharing
Bliss, TJ; Patrick, Susan
By sharing publicly funded learning materials as OER, we can move away from “recreating the wheel” in all 50 states and territories, enabling sharing and collaboration with learning materials, resources, and ...
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

Teachers shift to open content over textbooks – report
Lestch, Corinne
Three out of four teachers say they use openly licensed educational content instead of textbooks, according to a TES Global survey.
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

3 questions for an OER leader
Leu, Sharon
Sharon leads the Office of Educational Technology’s higher education innovation initiatives. These include the recent Higher Ed Ecosystem Challenge, the EQUIP Experimental Sites Initiative, and the Higher Ed National ...
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

Key questions to drive smarter higher education content strategies
Pigman, Kerry
Commentary: The convergence of open education resources, digital and licensed content requires institutions to rethink their content and IT strategies.
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

Clarifying ownership of teacher-created digital content empowers educators to personalize education, address individual student needs: SETDA Policy Brief, prepared in partnership with EducationCounsel LLC
Fletcher, Geoff; Levin, Doug; Lipper, Katherine; Leichty, Reg
In the fall of 2012, SETDA released a ground-breaking report, Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age, which documented and provided advice to states and districts on how to manage the ongoing shift ...
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

7 things you should know about open education: Policies
Green, Cable; Illowsky, Barbara; Wiley, David A.; Ernst, David; et al.
Open education policies are formal regulations regarding support, funding, adoption, and use of open educational resources (OER) and/or open education practices (OEP). Such policies are designed to support the creation, ...
Match: OER policy; United States; North America

Exclusive: Former Education Dept. advisor brings OER skills to Mass. school
Lestch, Corinne
Andrew Marcinek, who led the Open Educational Resources movement at the Department of Education, will put his experience into practice as CIO at Worcester Academy.
Match: OER policy; United States; North America