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Open Learning and Learning at Scale: The Legacy of MOOCs
Goshtasbpour, Fereshte · Cornock, Matt · Swinnerton, Bronwen · Harris, Lisa · Ferguson, Rebecca · Scanlon, Eileen

Published20 September 2024
JournalJournal of Interactive Media in Education
Volume 2024, Issue 1, Pages 14
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

This paper provides an introduction to the special collection. It presents a summary of the last decade in relation to research on MOOCs and describes the FutureLearn Academic Network (FLAN), which brought together FutureLearn partners for sharing and research purposes. Using this lens, research on MOOCs over the period is reviewed in terms of topic, in terms of the themes explored at different points in the last decade and in terms of the changes in focus of the MOOC platforms.

The paper concludes by summarising the papers published in this special collection.

Keywords MOOCs · learning at scale · teaching at scale · FutureLearn Academic Network (FLAN) · online education

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