Adding flexibility to higher education using OERs: Lessons from the Open University
Published | December 2011 |
Series | Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice: Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education Chapter 10, Pages 139-147 |
Publisher | AU Press |
Editors | Burge, Elizabeth · Gibson, Chère Campbell · Gibson, Terry |
Country | Canada |
Keywords | higher education · OER adoption |
Published at | Edmonton |
Language | en |
ISBN | Paperback 978-1-926836-20-1 |
ISSN | Ebook 978-1-926836-21-8 (pdf) 978-1-926836-62-1 (epub) |
Rights | by-nc-nd/2.5/ca |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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