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The world is not flat
Rivard, Ry

PublishedApril 2013
PeriodicalVolume 2012
PublisherInside Higher Ed

Online higher education is increasingly hailed as a chance for educators in the developed world to expand access and quality across the globe.
Yet it may not be quite so easy. Not only does much of the world not have broadband or speak English, but American-made educational material may be unfit for and unwanted in developing countries, according to academics who have worked for years on online distance education and with open educational resources, or OER.
Their experience raises questions about a utopian vision. This vision foresees online courses bringing education to students of all longitudes and latitudes, while reducing the need for brick-and-mortar universities. This goal of “democratizing education” using technology is gaining popular appeal among investors, some professors, pundits, politicians and the public amid the recent craze for massive open online courses, or MOOCs. But some scholars question whether an American-based effort can do this. While MOOCs are new, scholars have wrestled with questions about cultural barriers for years in the OER community...

Keywords cultural barriers · global audiences · language barrier · MOOC challenges · MOOC · online learning effectiveness · OpenCourseWare

Published atWashington, DC
Other numberApril 26, 2013
Access dateApril 26, 2013
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Trend report: Open Educational Resources 2012
Jacobi, Ria; van der Woert, Nicolai; Arnoldus, Martijn; Bijsterveld, Cora; et al.
This report describes the trends in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the field of Open Educational Resources. It comprises twelve articles by Dutch experts in the field of OER in higher education. It also contains ...
Match: MOOC; OpenCourseWare

What (use) is a MOOC?
Boyatt, Russell; Joy, Mike; Rocks, Claire; Sinclair, Jane; et al.
The phenomenon of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has spread with amazing speed. Many universities in the USA and Europe are now joining up with MOOC providers to allow free access to courses. Participant numbers ...
Match: MOOC challenges

What's the "problem" with MOOCs?
Holton, Doug
Match: MOOC challenges

Digital culture clash: “massive” education in the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC
Knox, Jeremy
While education has been both open and online, the sizeable enrolment numbers associated with massive open online courses (MOOCs) are somewhat unprecedented. In order to gauge the significance of education at scale, ...
Match: MOOC

The Dialogical Authentic Netlearning Activity (DIANA) Model for collaborative knowledge construction in MOOC
Ruhalahti, Sanna; Korhonen, Anne-Maria; Ruokamo, Heli
The ways in which we work and learn are changing rapidly. These changes require research and competencies that are not only new, but which also respond to the requirements of the digital age. The extensive social ...
Match: MOOC

From OER to PLAR: Credentialing for Open Education
Friesen, Norm; Wihak, Christine
Recent developments in OER and MOOCs (Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses) have raised questions as to how learners engaging with these courses and components might be assessed or credentialed. ...
Match: MOOC

All things considered: Educational radio as the first MOOCs
Dousay, Tonia A.; Janak, Edward
Those who do not learn history, even educational technology history, are doomed to repeat it. Every windshield has a rear-view mirror: using historical trends can yield lessons and guidance as we navigate the future. ...
Match: MOOC

Analysis of 450 MOOC-based microcredentials reveals many options but little consistency
Pickard, Laurie
One trend Class Central has been keeping tabs on in the MOOC and online learning space is the rise of microcredentials. A microcredential is any one of a number of new certifications that covers more than a single ...
Match: MOOC

Introducing MOOCs to Africa: New economy skills for Africa program – ICT
Boga, Sandi; McGreal, Rory
From the Conclusion: In summary, MOOCs as a type of globally-networked learning environment (GNLE) could become a very useful delivery model in the developing world – but not necessarily when tied to a specific ...
Match: MOOC

Disrupting and democratising higher education provision or entrenching academic elitism: Towards a model of MOOCs adoption at African universities
Rambe, Patient; Moeti, Mamello
Challenges of broadening access, escalating cost, maintaining desirable quality and enhancing meaningful learning experiences in African higher education (HE) have spurred debates on how to restructure higher education ...
Match: MOOC