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Massive Open Online Courses: Innovation in education?
Siemens, George

PublishedMay 2013
PeriodicalChapter 1, Pages 5-16
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning, Athabasca University
EditorsMcGreal, Rory · Kinuthia, Wanjira · Marshall, Stewart

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Verma mahesh · 3 years ago
An on-line class has it rewards and down falls. Here is list of things I found to be helpful in helping me succeed in this course. Some of these habits started late in the semester. I feel that If I had started these habits at the beginning of the semester I would have an A.
1. You should look at the site at least twice a week and look at PowerPoint presentation for each chapter.
2. Follow the schedule that Mr.Butler gives for each chapter. That way you will not get behind and have to scramble at the last minute for your exams.
3. Always do the self quizzes at the end of each chapter
4. Do not wait to the last minute to do you term project.
5. Do not forget to have fun and remember that an on-line course is flexible and lets you make your own schedule.

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