The Quiet Revolution in Open Learning
Published | May 2011 |
Periodical | Volume 2011 |
Publisher | The Chronicle of Higher Education |
Discusses the history of Open Educational Resources in the United States, mentioning funding, stakeholders and examples of OERs.Keywords | Open Educational Resources · Creative Commons · accreditation · Mozilla Open Badges · Khan Academy · MIT · OER quality |
Language | eng |
Other number | 2011-11-03 |
URL | |
Access date | 2011-11-03 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Learning objects, learning design, and adoption through succession
Weller, M.
THIS PAPER examines the concept of learning objects, the advantages they offer, and related issues. Learning objects focus on content, while the Learning Design specification addresses pedagogy. Underlying both of these ...
Match: learning
A cross-modal analysis of learning experience from a learner’s perspective
Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard
Abstract: Learning experience has been one of the most debated aspects of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Various perceptions on learning experience offered by MOOCs have led to many claims about the quality of ...
Match: learning
A new ecology for learning : An online ethnographic study of learners’ participation and experience in Connectivist MOOCs
Saadatmand, Mohsen; Kumpulainen, Kristiina; Ilsley, Paul
This dissertation focuses on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which have emerged and heralded as new online learning environments able to serve large numbers of students. Identifying two main types of MOOCs known as ...
Match: learning
A deeper understanding of reuse: Learning designs, activities, resources and their contexts
Wills, Sandra; Pegler, Chris
This paper positions discussion of learning designs in the broad context of reuse and repurpose. It proposes that not enough attention has been given to the purpose of reuse and the motivation of those who choose to ...
Match: learning; open educational resources
A new ecology for learning: An online ethnographic study of learners’ participation and experience in connectivist MOOCs
Saadatmand, Mohsen; Kumpulainen, Kristiina; Ilsley, Paul
This dissertation focuses on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which have emerged and heralded as new online learning environments able to serve large numbers of students. Identifying two main types of MOOCs known as ...
Match: learning
What’s educational about Open Educational Resources? Different theoretical lenses for conceptualizing learning with OER
Panke, Stefanie; Seufert, Tina
In the last decade, the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) has gained an
undeniable momentum. However, it is an easy trap to confuse download and registration rates with actual learning and interest in the ...
Match: learning; open educational resources
Integrating OER in Teaching: A Guide for Teachers in the Pacific
Commonwealth of Learning
This guide is intended to assist teachers in the Pacific to integrate Open Educational Resources (OER) into their teaching. It shows ways in which teachers can use OER in their classroom, as well as supporting remote ...
Match: open educational resources
Quality assurance toolkit for open and distance non-formal education
Latcham, Colin
This Quality Assurance (QA) toolkit will be a useful resource for non-formal education and training (NFE) policy makers, programme managers, in-field staff and researchers working through governmental, non-governmental ...
Match: open educational resources; accreditation
Siemsen, Sabine; Uden, Lorna; Liberona, Dario; Feldmann, Birgit
Higher Education tries to meet the call for openness and internationalization, moving (parts of) its learning-environments from brick and mortar universities to virtual learning environments. This implies a different ...
Implementing multimedia content development strategy in open schooling: The experience of the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL)
Commonwealth of Learning; Namibian College of Open Learning
This manual was produced as a direct outcome of a Commonwealth of Learning (COL) funded project on capacity building in the production of multimedia learning resources in the context of open schooling. NAMCOL’s ...
Match: learning