Interaction equivalency in an OER, MOOCS and informal learning era
Published | December 2015 |
Journal | Journal of Interactive Media in Education Pages 1-15 |
This theoretical paper attempts to clarify design issues that the field of education has encountered in the context of OER (Open Educational Resources), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and increased emphasis oninformal learning, as examined through the lens of the Interaction Equivalency Theorem. An overview of the core concepts of the Interaction Equivalency Theorem (the EQuiv) is provided and an explanation of how the EQuiv framework can be used to analyze interaction designs for online and distance education. The paper applies EQuiv ideas to categorize three variants of MOOCs (xMOOCs, sMOOCs and cMOOCs), from the perspective of interaction design so as to elucidate the major design differences. In conclusion, this paper explores the changing role of formal education in an era of learning opportunity where online educational resources and opportunities are readily accessible and in many cases completely free of cost to the learner.
Abstract in Japanese
本論文は、正規教育におけるオンライン学習の発達および学習者による使用状況を、テリー・アンダーソンが2003年に提唱したインタアクション等価説(Interaction Equivalency Theorem: 通称 the EQuiv)を用いて概観する。 Equiv により、教育機関が作成する教育コンテンツをOERs (Open Educational Resources: オープン教育リソース) 、MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses: ムークス)、そしてインターネット配信ビデオを活用しいかに安価かつ効率よく効果的に強化できるかを説明する。
Keywords | interaction design · MOOC · OER · Open Educational Resources |
Refereed | Yes |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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