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Open Educational Resources plus social software: Threat or opportunity for Canadian higher education?
Anderson, Terry

PublishedJune 2008
ConferenceCongress at UBC

Two emerging developments afford opportunity to drastically alter the way people learn and acquire knowledge. The first is the availability of open education resources (OERs) that expand earlier models of discrete learning objects to the production and free dissemination of complete courses and programs. The second is the rapid emergence of a host of networked tools collectively known as social software. This paper overviews developments in both technologies and the social systems emerging to exploit these innovations for both formal and informal learning.

Keywords dissemination · informal learning · higher education · Open Educational Resources · social software

Published atVancouver
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Interaction equivalency in an OER, MOOCS and informal learning era
Miyazoe, Terumi; Anderson, Terry
This theoretical paper attempts to clarify design issues that the field of education has encountered in the context of OER (Open Educational Resources), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and increased emphasis ...
Match: Anderson, Terry; Open Educational Resources

OER as a model for enhanced teaching and learning
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This article presents preliminary findings from a research study conducted by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education on the role of open educational resources (OER) in transforming pedagogy. ...
Match: dissemination; Open Educational Resources

When the mummy is digital: preservation and dissemination
Minguillón Alfonso, Julià
Most educational institutions include nowadays a digital repository as part of their development and positioning strategy. The main goals of a digital repository are preservation and dissemination, which are some how ...
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Agoraphobia and the modern learner
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Match: Anderson, Terry

How learners participate in Connectivist learning: An analysis of the interaction traces from a cMOOC
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In this research paper, the authors analyse the collected data output during a 36 week cMOOC. Six-week data streams from blogs, Twitter, a Facebook group, and video conferences were tracked from the daily newsletter and ...
Match: Anderson, Terry

MOOCs and crowdsourcing: Massive courses and massive resources
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Premised upon the observation that MOOC and crowdsourcing phenomena share several important characteristics, including IT mediation, large-scale human participation, and varying levels of openness to participants, this ...
Match: Anderson, Terry

An expert survey on the barriers and enablers of open educational practices
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This paper is a report on the findings of a literature review and an expert survey conducted in December 2010 with a self-selected panel. A total of 19 participants were recruited through the UNESCO OER mailing list and ...
Match: informal learning; Open Educational Resources

Panel on open library, scholarship and learning at Athabasca University
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AUSpace: Building an effective institutional repository to support research communities and open access. AUSpace is Athabasca University’s (AU) digital content repository. Its goal is to preserve and disseminate AU ...
Match: Anderson, Terry

Open is an invitation: Exploring use of open educational resources with Ontario post-secondary educators
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During the 2017-2018 academic year, I worked as Program Manager for a government-funded post-secondary organization in Ontario, Canada. A core part of my professional role was creating awareness and increasing the use ...
Match: Anderson, Terry

Badging and employability at the Open University
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Awarding badges to recognise achievement is nothing new. Of late, badging has gone digital, offering new ways to recognise learning and motivate learners, providing evidence of skills and achievements both within and ...
Match: informal learning; Open Educational Resources