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Open content
Haßler, Björn · Mays, Tony · Ang, Peng Hwa [secondary] · Mansell, Robin [secondary]

PublishedNovember 2014
PeriodicalIssue 21, Chapter 1, Pages 1 - 11
PublisherThe International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and SocietyOpen Content, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CountryUnited States

Published atHoboken, NJ
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Mainstreaming use of open educational resources (OER) in an African context
Mays, Tony
The study derives from a multi-year project implemented by OER Africa. The project sought to understand how OER might be used as a catalyst for pedagogical transformation in African universities. Within a ...
Match: Mays, Tony; open; Open Educational Resources

School-based professional development in a developing context: Lessons learnt from a case study in Zambia
Haßler, Björn; Hennessy, Sara; Cross, Andrew; Chileshe, Eness; Machiko, Brian
This paper reports on the development and outcomes of the second phase of OER4Schools, a school-based professional development programme supporting interactive forms of subject teaching in conjunction with Open ...
Match: Haßler, Björn; Open Educational Resources

The role of Open Access and Open Educational Resources: A distance learning perspective
Hatzipanagos, Stylianos; Gregson, Jon
The paper explores the role of Open Access (in licensing, publishing and sharing research data) and Open Educational Resources within Distance Education, with a focus on the context of the University of London ...
Match: open access; open education; Open Educational Resources

Open practices in public higher education in Portugal: Faculty perspectives
Cardoso, Paula; Morgado, Lina; Teixeira, António
In recent years, the Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA) movements have been essential in creating opportunities in all scholarly activities, within the context of higher education. The main purpose of ...
Match: open access; open education; Open Educational Resources

Open education
Pisutova, K.
Introduction to some concepts of openness in education. This presentation addresses concepts of Open Licensing (Creative Commons licenses), Open Content, Open Coursewere, Open Educational Resources, and Open Teaching ...
Match: open education; Open Educational Resources

Open access and OER in Latin America: A survey of the policy landscape in Chile, Colombia and Uruguay
Toledo, Amalia; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
This chapter presents an overview of the mechanisms (funding, policy, legislative and procedural) adopted by Latin American governments with respect to Open Access and Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives in the ...
Match: open access; open education; Open Educational Resources

Behind one group of educators' role in the Amazon Inspire relaunch
Tate, Emily
A team of educators in Indiana stood by Amazon Education as the tech giant spent the past year retooling its digital content repository.
Match: content; Open Educational Resources; United States

A critical take on OER practices: Interrogating commercialization, colonialism, and content
Crissinger, Sarah
In Brief Both Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA) are becoming more central to many librarians’ work and the core mission of librarianship, in part because of the perceived relationship between ...
Match: open access; Open Educational Resources; United States

A critical take on OER practices: Interrogating commercialization, colonialism, and content
Crissinger, Sarah
Both Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA) are becoming more central to many librarians’ work and the core mission of librarianship, in part because of the perceived relationship between openness and ...
Match: open access; Open Educational Resources; United States

Finding Free OER Textbooks Online: Untangling the Web
Walters, William H.
Although Open Educational Resources (OERs) can help reduce costs and maximize access to instructional materials, academics face significant problems in identifying good OER textbooks. This can be traced, in part, to the ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; United States