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Knowledge mapping for open sensemaking communities
Buckingham Shum, Simon and Okada, Alexandra

ConferenceResearching open content in education - OpenLearn 2007
CountryUnited Kingdom

By analogy to cartographic representations of spatial worlds, Knowledge Maps provide an 'aerial view' of a topic by highlighting key elements and connections. Moreover, just as spatial maps simplify the world and can fuel controversy, maps of conceptual worlds provide vehicles for summarising and negotiating meaning. In conjunction with the UK Open University's Open Educational Resources OpenLearn project, we are investigating the role of such maps for both learners and educators to share -and debate - interpretations of OERs. In this brief update, we describe how a mapping tool (Compendium) has been integrated with OpenLearn's elearning platform (Moodle) in order to support tasks such as concept analysis, problem-solving, literature review, learning path planning, argument analysis and OER design.

Published atMilton Keynes
Rights2007 The Authors
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Knowledge cartography for open sensemaking communities
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra; McAndrew, Patrick
Knowledge Cartography is the discipline of visually mapping the conceptual structure of ideas, such as the connections between issues, concepts, answers, arguments and evidence. The cognitive process of externalising ...
Match: Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra; sensemaking

OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Lane, Andy; Godwin, Stephen; et al.
This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
Match: Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra; United Kingdom

Towards a social learning space for Open Educational Resources
Ferguson, Rebecca; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Connolly, Teresa; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra
This chapter examines the meaning of “open” in terms of tools, resources, and education, and goes on to explore the association between open approaches to education and the development of online social learning. It ...
Match: Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra

Open educators and colearners as DJs: Reuse, remix, and recreate OER collaboratively!
Okada, Alexandra; Leslie, Scott; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
The aim of this chapter is to examine key factors for facilitating the development of reusable learning content (RLC) from the perspective of open educators and collaborative learners (colearners). Reusability is an ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Coaprendizagem através de REA e Mídias Sociais
Okada, Alexandra; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Meister, Izabel; Little, Suzanne; Okada, Alexandra
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Collective Intelligence for OER Sustainability
Buckingham Shum, Simon; De Liddo, Anna
To thrive, the Open Educational Resource (OER) movement, or a given initiative, must make sense of a complex, changing environment. Since "sustainability" is a desirable systemic capacity that our community should ...
Match: Buckingham Shum, Simon

OERopoly: Collaborative learning about Open Educational Resources through game-playing
Connolly, Teresa; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
The Open Educational Resources (OER) community supports the belief that knowledge is a public good and, combined with technological advancement, can provide an extraordinary opportunity to help equalize the distribution ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Managing assessment resources in the open ICOPER content space
Rojas, Israel Gutiérrez; Crespo, Raquel M.; Totschnig, Michael; Leony, Derick; et al.
With the introduction of the Web 2.0 philosophy in the learning arena, the way learning actors interact has changed substantially. From a collaborative perspective, all the actors in the learning landscape could make ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Towards a social learning space for Open Educational Resources
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Ferguson, Rebecca
We identify a number of meanings of "Open", as part of the motivating rationale for a social media space tuned for learning, called SocialLearn. We discuss why online social learning seems to be emerging so strongly at ...
Match: Buckingham Shum, Simon

Connected: Online mentoring in Facebook for final year digital media students
McCarthy, Josh; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa; Peters, Scott
This study explores the efficacy of open educational resources and online social network sites in linking digital media students with industry through an e-mentoring scheme, to enhance employment prospects and promote ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra