Building graduate-level, gamified xMOOCs in Moodle
Published | October 2015 |
Conference | Transforming higher education in the 21st century; Innovating pathways to learning and continuous professional education, Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference Pages 57-73 |
Publisher | EADTU |
Country | Germany, Europe |
We present preliminary results from two different online course design experiments: in the first experiment, which ran from April to June 2015, the author developed an online precourse on Research Methods for Master students as a model. In the other experiment, a group of undergraduates developed similar online course modules for different topics as part of their term project.All online modules were designed for, implemented and tested on the school's Moodle platform. External cloud-based repositories such as YouTube and Soundcloud were used, as was animation software. Lectures, interviews, and role play material were presented in a variety of audio and video formats including role plays, interviews, monologues, semiscripted dialogues, and story-telling. All formats were installed on a Moodle platform, making use of lessons for instruction, forums for discussion, limited game elements and completion tracking to achieve an immersive effect. Each lesson ended with one or more topical challenges. The students were then asked to teach each other by engaging in semistructured discussions. They were supposed to challenge each other and respond to each other’s challenges.
We describe preparation, setup, execution and feedback from both the model course and the courses created by the undergraduate students. We relate our experiences to the stateof-the-art of creation of Massive Open Online Courses primarily designed for instruction purposes (xMOOCs). We give an outlook for xMOOC design and development using Moodle in connection with cloud-based repositories and we speculate about the benefits and issues with involving students in the design of such courses.
Keywords | gamification · immersion · learning-by-teaching · Moodle · xMOOC |
Published at | Hagen, Germany |
ISSN | 978-90-79730-17-9 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | Copyright © 2016 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and the authors. All rights reserved. |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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