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A place for policy: The role of policy in supporting open educational resources and practices at Ontario’s colleges and universities
Skidmore, James M. and Provida, Myrto

PublishedMarch 2019
PublishereCampus Ontario
CountryCanada, North America

What can institutions of higher learning do structurally to improve the uptake of open educational resources and practices? That is the basic question guiding this report. Policy is a tool with which institutions structure their affairs, determine their organizational stance on particular issues, and create the framework for guiding the direction of their work. This study, commissioned by eCampus Ontario, considers the benefits of open educational resources and practices (OER/P) and the obstacles hindering their uptake at colleges and universities. Focusing on institutional policy, this report makes the case that targeted policies can remove some of the obstacles facing OER/P.

Keywords OER · OEP · open educational resources · open educational practice · Ontario · policy

Published atOntario
RightsCC BY-SA
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