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Innovative Ways to Design Open Education Resources for Marginalized Communities
Anike, Angela Njideka · Nnatu, Uju Agatha · Otubelu, Blessing Nnenn

Published14 October 2024
JournalAfrican Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 199-209
CountryNigeria, Africa

Internal security challenges in African countries have resulted in large numbers of displaced persons. In 2022 the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported that there are 2 million persons internally displaced in Nigeria. Educating these marginalized groups requires meticulous planning and strategy. These marginalized groups need to be included in the educational landscape; Open Education Resources (OER) offer a promising avenue to bridge the educational gap. This paper looks at novel approaches to the design of OER that meet the distinctive needs and challenges faced by these communities. By understanding the characteristics of marginalized groups and their educational struggles, educators and designers can create OERs that are not only accessible but also culturally relevant, interactive, and adaptable. This study delves into strategies such as collaborative content creation, multilingual localization, mobile access solutions, gamified learning, and community empowerment. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating local context, engaging community members, and addressing infrastructure barriers. Furthermore, the study highlights the role of partnerships with the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) to share OER initiatives. Through the findings of this case studies, this study showcases successful projects that exemplify these innovative design approaches, fostering a deeper understanding of how OER can become a transformative force in empowering marginalized communities in all 6 geopolitical zones of Nigeria through education though the communities needed governmental support in infrastructural provisions. This is important because it empowered these communities not to abandon education despite their challenges. Finally, the study give room to research on quality of education delivery through OER.

Keywords open education resources · marginalized communities

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