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As researchers in online learning and collaboration, we are very interested in your use of and participation in this site. Some of this data may be aggregated and/or used for research purposes, including (but not limited to) readership and download statistics, user comments and collaboration patterns, and member demographics. This data, with appropriate levels of aggregation and anonymization to preserve your privacy, may later appear in research publications or shared as open data to support the broader research community. Your data will never be sold.
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Although this site is developed through the support of Athabasca University, IRRODL, and other partners, these institutions and organizations are not responsible for the use or potential misuse of any data included or provided to this site. For more information, contact the site administrator.
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Data Records for European Members
For a complete record of your user data, send us an email from the address you used to create your account. (These records are prepared manually. Due to our limited resources, this option is currently available to our EU members only, as required by the GDPR.)
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All contributed files are scanned for potentially dangerous filetypes on upload, then reviewed by the site administrator or facilitators before being released to the public. Any zipped packages associated with member-contributed items are generated by the site itself and are presented for your convenience. However, if you prefer to download the individual files directly, select "View Package Contents" and click on the files you want to view.
Academic Outcome Differences Between Community College Students Using Commercial Textbooks and Open Educational Resources
Lisa Lizabeth Schlegel
The purpose of this quantitative ex post facto comparative study was to assess the differences in final course grades between students enrolled in courses taught at a rural southwestern U.S. community college using ...
Posted March 24, 2025
Elementary STEM Teachers' Open Educational Resources and TPACK in a Professional Learning Network: A Case Study
Park, Yujin; Moon, Jewoong; Na, Hunhui
There has been growing attention on investigating elementary STEM teachers' Professional Learning Networks (PLNs). However, what types of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Technological, Pedagogical, and Content ...
Posted March 2, 2025
Creative Commons response to the UK Consultation on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
Creative Commons
Creative Commons is pleased to respond to the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, and Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s open consultation on ...
Posted March 1, 2025
Judicious AI Use to Improve Existing OER
Kimmons, Royce; Veletsianos, George; Trust, Torrey
As the practical value and ethics of using generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education receive focused attention, open educational resources (OER) provide a mechanism toward an AI future that is more bright and ...
Posted March 1, 2025
Bibliometric Insights Into the Open Education Landscape
Zou, Rong; Jiang, Leilei; Wider, Walton
This bibliometric analysis explores the rapidly growing field of open education, offering insight into its nature and the wide range of academic topics it covers. This study applies co-citation and co-word analyses ...
Posted March 1, 2025
Open Textbooks at St. Cloud University: A Collective Case Study
Lundeen-Hoff, Sally
This starred paper offers a review of existing literature about open educational resources (OER), describes the methodology selected to research OER use at St. Cloud State University, outlines the results of a ...
Posted February 14, 2025
Analyzing the discourse on open educational resources on Twitter: a sentiment analysis approach
Bhagat, Kaushal Kumar; Mishra, Sanjaya; Parida, Ashis Kumar; Samal, Alyal; Lampropoulos, Georgios; Dixit, Alakh
This study investigated the sentiment of Twitter discourse on Open Educational Resources (OER). We collected 124,126 tweets containing hashtags related to OER posted from January 2017 to December 2021. We performed ...
Posted February 14, 2025
Individualisiertes Lernen mit digitalen Bildungsressourcen
Pietrusky, Stefan; Kalz, Marco
Ziel dieser Studie ist die Entwicklung eines Konzepts für die einheitliche Gestaltung digitaler Bildungsressourcen anhand verbindlicher Kriterien zur Förderung individualisierten Lernens im Unterricht. Während die ...
Posted February 9, 2025
Innovation with Open Educational Resources: An integrative review of drivers, barriers and enablers
Farrow, Robert; Iniesto, Francisco; Pitt, Beck; Weller, Martin; Bossu, Carina
Open Educational Resources (OER) are frequently interpreted as supporting educational innovations across a range of delivery styles. However, the mechanisms for OER innovation are underexplored in the scientific ...
Posted January 30, 2025
Identifying the Factors Affecting Student Academic Performance and Engagement Prediction in MOOC using Deep Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
Rizwan, Shahzad; Nee, Chee Ken; Garfan, Salem
The increasing reliance on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has transformed the landscape of education, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, where e-learning became essential. However, the effectiveness of ...
Posted January 29, 2025