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How can directories of open access repositories improve the reuse of learning objects in building engineering?
Marti, Pablo · Ferrandez, Pedro Garcia · Roig-Vila, Rosabel · Garcia-Vera, Victoria-Eugenia

PublishedOctober 2015
JournalInternational Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning
Volume 25, Issue 3

This paper studies the use of directories of open access repositories worldwide (DOARW) to search Spanish repositories containing learning objects in the field of building engineering (BE). Results show that DOARW are powerful tools, but deficiencies (indicated in this study) have to be solved in order to obtain more accurate searches, and to facilitate repository-finding for potential users who are seeking learning objects (LOs) for reuse. Aiming to contribute to the promotion of the reuse of Spanish LOs, this study exposes to the academic community all existing Spanish repositories with LOs, and in particular, the repositories that contain LOs in the field of BE. This paper also studies the critical mass of available content (LOs) in the field of BE in Spain. It has been found to be low.

Keywords building engineering · learning object reuse · learning objects · open access repositories · open education resources · repository directories · Spain

ISSNPrint ISSN: 1560-4624 Online ISSN: 1741-5055
RightsCopyright © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Other informationInt. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
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