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Effective online education requires valid online assessment procedures
Sussenbach, Marinke and Verstelle, Marja

PublishedNovember 2015
PeriodicalPages 36-41
EditorsBaas, Marjon · van Hees, Janina · Jacobi, Ria · Schuwer, Robert · Ouwehand, Martijn · de Vries, Fred · van der Woert, Nicolai
CountryNetherlands, Europe

Online education has become a more trusted format over the past few years. A growing number of leading universities are now offering fully accredited programmes online in addition to their range of MOOCs. This is ideal for working graduates seeking to keep up with the latest developments in their field, groups of regular students spending time abroad on a work placement or pre-Master’s students. This range of online programmes requires a valid online assessment protocol. Online assessment should allow us to determine whether the student is actually the person taking the test and verify that he or she is doing so without unauthorised assistance. Online proctoring can offer a solution in this regard, but is still far from commonly accepted in the Netherlands. Is this hesitance justified? And does online proctoring offer the best possible solution in terms of online assessment?

Keywords e-proctoring ·  · OER assessment

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