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The contribution of openness to transforming education
Nascimbeni, Fabio

PublishedOctober 2015
Type of workSpecial Issue: Citizens, Learners and Workers in a Complex, Changing World: challenges for policy and research
JournalEuropean Journal of Education
Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 400-403

Rights© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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The complexity of open education: The case of Brazil
Nascimbeni, Fabio; Queiroz, Vera; Spina, Edison; Tori, Romero; et al.
Open Education is gaining ground globally, at the same time raising enthusiasm and being perceived as a possible solution to the need to educate an increasing Higher Education population within the existing financial ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio; OEP

Using open education practices across the Mediterranean for intercultural curriculum development in higher education
Wimpenny, Katherine; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Affouneh, Saida; Almakari, Ahmed; et al.
This multinational authored article presents the findings and recommendations of a three-year, European-funded project ‘OpenMed: Opening up education in South Mediterranean countries’, which brought together five ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio; OEP

Are MOOCs Open Educational Resources? A literature review on history, definitions and typologies of OER and MOOCs
Stracke, Christian M.; Downes, Stephen; Conole, Grainne; Burgos, Daniel; Nascimbeni, Fabio
Open Education gained more visibility as a result of the emergence of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This article discusses whether MOOCs should be considered as OER. Open ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

Fostering openness in education: Considerations for sustainable policy-making
Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Villar-Onrubia, Daniel; Orlic, Davor
This paper reviews a framework to support the co-creation of policies to sustainably foster Open Education. The framework has been derived from a comprehensive review of public and Open Education policy documents and ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

An Introduction to Open Educational Resources and Their Implementation in Higher Education Worldwide
Atenas, Javiera; Ebner, Martin; Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Schön, Sandra
The digitization of (higher) education has exposed copyright infringement issues, as the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials has become more visible. This article explores the importance of open educational ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

The increased complexity of Higher Education collaboration in times of Open Education
Nascimbeni, Fabio
The Open Society movement, which goes back to noble fathers such as Bergson and Popper, and which is today declined alongissues such as Open Government, Open Innovation, Open Data, Open Access and Open Source, is having ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

Open educational resources in Italy: Connecting the macro, meso and micro levels, towards a national OER ecosystem
Nascimbeni, Fabio
The chapter presents a snapshot of the state of the art of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Italy. It starts from the macro public policy level, noting that OER are part of the national school policy, to the advocacy ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

Accreditation of prior learning as a lever for lifelong learning: Lessons learnt from the New Opportunities Initiative, Portugal
Carneiro, Roberto; Mendonça, Maria Amélia; Carneiro, Maria Ana; Valente, Ana Cláudia; et al.
The book gives an account of the research conducted in the independent evaluation of the New Opportunities Initiative (NOI), one of the largest Portuguese governmental programmes in recent decades to upgrade ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices
Bozkurt, Aras; Gjelsvik, Torunn; Adam, Taskeen; Asino, Tutaleni I.; et al.
Why is Openness in Education important, and why is it critically needed at this moment? As manifested in our guiding question, the significance of Openness in Education and its immediate necessity form the heart of this ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio

Open Educational Resources and Practices in China: A Systematic Literature Review
Tlili, Ahmed; Huang, Ronghuai; Chang, Ting-Wen; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Burgos, Daniel
The concepts of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP), regarded as two pillars of the broader open education movement, have been evolving since the concept of OER was first coined in the ...
Match: Nascimbeni, Fabio