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Critical spaces for critical times: Global conversations in literacy research as an open professional development and practices resource
Albers, Peggy · Cho, Ram A. · Shin, Ji Hye · Pang, Myoung Eun · Angay-Crowder, Tuba · Odo, Dennis Murphy · Jung, Jin Kyeong · Pace, Christi L. · Sena, Mandi · Turnbull, Sarah

JournalGlobal Education Review
Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 46-67

This paper reflects an OER (Open Educational Resources) critical literacy project, Global Conversations in Literacy Research (GCLR), (, now in its fourth year.
GCLR annually hosts up to seven web seminars presented by internationally recognized literacy and education scholars. We outline key dimensions of GCLR not only as an OER but as an open educational practice (OEP) (Andrade et al., 2011) that through its design, not only provides open access to scholarship, but also understands the critical nexus among resources, practices and theory. Informed by data from a longitudinal study, this paper situates these dimensions within professional development literature, and outlines GCLR as a critical space designed for critical times, and the importance of intentionality when accessing OER. Like scholars before us, we argue that that availability is not the only consideration when using OER (Andrade et al., 2011); OER must be considered in relation to pedagogical considerations and how OER are used as a critical component to online professional development.

Keywords critical literacy · critical pedagogy · education · literacy · open educational practice · Open Educational Resources · professional development · web seminars

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