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Automatic generation of audio content for open learning resources
Brasher, Andrew and McAndrew, Patrick

PublishedDecember 2009
JournalJournal of Interactive Media in Education
Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-19

This paper describes how digital talking books (DTBs) with embedded functionality for learners can be generated from content structured according to the OU OpenLearn schema. It includes examples showing how a software transformation developed from open source components can be used to remix OpenLearn content, and discusses issues concerning the generation of synthesised speech for educational purposes. Factors which may affect the quality of a learner's experience with open educational audio resources are identified, and in conclusion plans for testing the effect of these factors are outlined.

Keywords accessibility · audio · DAISY · digital talking book · schema · semantic markup · usability

Other informationJIME
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Automatic generation of audio content for open learning resources
Brasher, Andrew; McAndrew, Patrick
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