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Cal State Fullerton's Math Department has more problems than overpriced, mandatory textbooks
Lowery, Steve

PublishedSeptember 2016
PeriodicalEdition Wednesday, September 28, 2016 AT 3:43 P.M., Volume 2016
PublisherOC Weekly
CountryUnited States

Published atCalifornia
Other numberOctober 06, 2016
RefereedDoes not apply
Rights©2016 OC Weekly, LP. All rights reserved.
Access dateOctober 06, 2016
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Affordable textbooks: A policy guide
Senack, Ethan; The Student Public Interest Research Groups; U.S. PIRG Education Fund
The purpose of this guide is to provide policy guidance to thought-leaders and decision-makers from all levels of institutions and government – from individual campuses considering policies that support open textbook ...
Match: higher education; open textbook policy; United States

The investigation into the rising cost of textbooks: A background study of the context of Michigan initiatives with an eye toward launching a library-based college textbook publishing program
Nicholls, Natsuko Hayashi
In this report we investigate the facts concerning the rapidly rising cost of college textbooks. The lack of textbook affordability has drawn increased nationwide attention over the last decade. To identify the reason ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks; United States

Colorado rises: Transforming education practices through Open Educational Resources
The Colorado Department of Higher Education
Key Findings Over the past year, CDHE and the OER Council have established a community of learning, practice and innovation. Key findings suggest a meaningful current impact and promising future. Most significantly: 1 ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks; United States

Open source textbook report
University of Conneticut; The Conneticut Conference of Independent Colleges; Conneticut State Colleges & Universities
Since 2006, the cost of college textbooks has increased by 73% - more than four times the rate of inflation. Many students have opted for cost avoidance. In the report, Fixing the Broken Textbooks Market, it states that ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks; United States

Fixing the broken textbook market: How students respond to high textbook costs and demand alternatives
Senack, Ethan; U.S. PIRG Education Fund; The Student Public Interest Research Groups
The cost of college textbooks has skyrocketed in recent years. To students and families already struggling to afford high tuition and fees, an additional $1,200 per year on books and supplies can be the breaking ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks; United States

Crossing the chasm: A case of scaling adoption of Open Educational Resources to the early majority
Correa, Alma; Perman, Amertah E.; Rivaldi, Matthew; Bulger, Stephanie R.; et al.
Due to the ongoing trend of increased higher education costs, state and federal strategies have been implemented in an effort to lower students' cost of college. One such strategy gaining nationwide attention is the ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks; United States

Textbook affordability and student acceptance of eTextbooks: An institutional case-study
Benoit, Andy M.; Marquis, Elizabeth
There is significant interest among institutions of higher education in the potential of digital textbooks to enhance student learning and to address issues arising from textbook affordability. Innovations in digital ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks

Leading the Maricopa Millions OER Project
Raneri, April; Young, Lisa
With a reduced number of students purchasing required and necessary textbooks, higher education leaders must look to new opportunities to increase student success. While open educational resources have addressed this ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks

Eight patterns of open textbook adoption in British Columbia
Barker, Jennifer; Jeffery, Ken; Jhangiani, Rajiv; Veletsianos, George
Since the launch of the BC Open Textbook Project in 2012, the adoption of open textbooks has steadily grown within public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia, Canada. An analysis of adoption records over a ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks

OER in context: Reforming the textbook market and higher education
Beshears, Fred
Here are descriptions of and links to a few of my blog posts on Open Educational Resources (OER). Many also discuss OER in the context of reforming both the textbook market and traditional institutions of higher ...
Match: higher education; open textbooks