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Students as teachers in MOOCs? The double gain of MOOCs as an in-class teaching method experiences from a student-made MOOC “Online Data Privacy”
Griesbaum, Joachim

PublishedFebruary 2014
JournalInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology
Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 29 - 34

MOOCs are an opportunity to think of learning as an interaction of different people and groups in totally new ways. This paper proposes a didactic setting in which students act as teachers in a MOOC and asks the question, if there is a double gain of MOOCs when employed as an in-class teaching method and as a worldwide learning environment. The analysis of a case study, a student made MOOC “Online data privacy”, delivers first insights into the feasibility and didactic value of such a novel approach.

Keywords case study · MOOC · teaching method

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