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Web strategies for the curation and discovery of open educational resources
Rolfe, Vivien

PublishedDecember 2016
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 297–312
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

For those receiving funding from the UK HEFCE-funded Open Educational Resource Programme (2009–2012), the sustainability of project outputs was one of a number of essential goals. Our approach for the hosting and distribution of health and life science open educational resources (OER) was based on the utilisation of the blogging platform and search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques to curate content and widen discovery.This paper outlines the approaches taken and tools used at the time, and reflects upon the effectiveness of web strategies several years post-funding. The paper concludes that using as a platform for sharing and curating OER, and the adoption of a pragmatic approach to SEO, offers cheap and simple ways for small-scale open education projects to be effective and sustainable.

Keywords OER · search engine optimisation · SEO · technology solutions · web discovery

Other number4
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