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More about MOOCs and developing countries
Trucano, Michael

PublishedNovember 2013
Type of workweb log
PeriodicalEdition Wed, 12/11/2013, Volume 2017, Pages blog
PublisherThe World Bank Group

Other numberJanuary 10, 2017
RefereedDoes not apply
Rights© 2017 The World Bank Group, All Rights Reserved
Access dateJanuary 10, 2017
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Lessons learnt from a professional development MOOC: Engaging culturally and linguistically diverse learners from low- and middle-income countries
Launois, Pascal; Allotey, Pascale; Reidpath, Daniel; Maher, Dermot; et al.
This article reports on the lessons learnt from the pilot of a professional development massive open online course (MOOC) for a culturally and linguistically diverse student cohort located across low- and middle-income ...
Match: countries; mooc

Adoption of MOOCs by Emerging Countries Seeking Solutions to University Overcrowding: Literature Review and Feedback from the First Scientific MOOC Held by Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah University - Fez, Morocco
Naji, Khadija; Ibriz, Abdelali; Mourdi, Youssef
The adoption of various forms of distance education, particularly MOOCs (an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses), by universities worldwide has continuously gained momentum over the past decade. This is due not only ...
Match: countries; mooc

Skill development through MOOC for inclusive and sustainable development: A review of policies in the Asian Commonwealth countries
Gaba, Ashok K; Mishra, Sanjaya
Economic growth of the Commonwealth countries in Asia depends on productivity and the availability of the skilled human resources. About 70 per cent of the Commonwealth’s two billion citizens belong to South Asia. ...
Match: countries; mooc

OER: A developing world perspective
Kanwar, Asha
Harvard University Extension, Vancouver, Canada, April 7, 2011, Presented via teleconference, "OER: A Developing World Perspective" Prof. Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning
Match: developing

MOOC makers: Professors’ experiences with developing and delivering MOOCs
Blackmon, Stephanie
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have been described as purposeful educational resources for teaching, open educational initiatives, competency-based learning, and the like. They have also been described as an agent ...
Match: developing; mooc

Presentation to UNCTAD's advisory group on "Developing skills, knowledge and capacities through innovation: E-Learning, M-Learning, cloud-Learning"
Downes, Stephen
Match: developing; mooc

Open Educational Resources and the evolving value chain of education in developing countries
Mora, Monica; Hassin, Kamal; Pullin, Andrew; Muegge, Steven
Open educational resources (OER), in combination with emerging information and communication technologies (ICT), may enable opportunities for education in regions of the world where few opportunities exist today. There ...
Match: developing; countries

Positioning extension Massive Open Online Courses (xMOOCs) within the open access and the lifelong learning agendas in a developing setting
Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard
Recent reports on xMOOCs indicated that underprivileged learners in need for higher education have minimally been reached by these courses. While the open access agenda is needed to reach such learners, most MOOCs were ...
Match: developing

If content is king, why are OER still uncrowned? A developing world perspective’
Kanwar, Asha; Kodhandaraman, Balasubramanian; Umar, Abdurrahman
This presentation seeks to critically examine the experiences of the Commonwealth of Learning in the creation and dissemination of OER and to share the lessons learned. What are some of the key components of ...
Match: developing

Open educational resources for blended learning in high schools: Overcoming impediments in developing countries
Larson, Richard C.; Murray, Elizabeth M.
With today’s computer and telecommunications technologies, every young person can have a quality education regardless of his or her place of birth. This is the dream that Open Educational Resources (OERs), when viewed ...
Match: developing; countries