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Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials
McGill, Lou · Currier, Sarah · Duncan, Charles · Douglas, Peter

PublishedDecember 2008
PeriodicalPages 1-46
PublisherJoint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
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Highlights from student watch attitudes & behaviors toward course materials 2016-17 report
National Association of College Stores
About the Study Methods Student Watch™ is conducted online twice a year, in the fall and spring terms. It is designed to proportionately match the most recent figures of U.S. higher education published in The ...
Match: materials

Quality of learning materials, a minimum model for Wikiwijs
Schuwer, Robert
In the Netherlands, Wikiwijs has to be the place where all teachers of the Netherlands, ranging from primary education to higher education, can (co)develop, share, rework and use digital learning materials, published ...
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Assessment of challenges in developing self-instructional course materials at the National Open University of Nigeria
Okonkwo, Charity Akuadi
The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is Nigeria’s only university dedicated to providing education through the use of distance instructional methods. So far, however, the lack of availability and poor ...
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Creating OER materials - Perspectives of global instructors
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This paper reports on the preliminary analysis of a replication and extension study describing the perspectives of instructors around the globe in relation to OER creation The goal of this research is to explore the ...
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Implementation intentions and how they influence goal achievement in MOOCs
Kreijns, Karel; Kalz, Marco; Castaño-Muñoz, Jonatan; Punie, Yves; et al.
Implementation intentions have been proven to be effective to help individuals reaching their goals in medical interventions. The current study investigated whether this is true as well for individuals who enrolled in ...
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Framework for the development of OER-based learning materials in ODL environment
Teng, Khor Ean; Hung, Chung Sheng; Gil-Jaurena, Inés
This paper describes the framework for the development of OER-based learning materials TCC121/05 Programming Fundamentals with Java for ODL learners in Wawasan Open University (WOU) using three main development phases ...
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Substituting Open Educational Resources for Commercial Curriculum Materials: Effects on Student Mathematics Achievement in Elementary Schools
Hilton III, John; Larsen, Ross; Wiley, David; Fischer, Lane
Open Educational Resources (OER) have the potential to replace commercial learning materials in education. An empirical examination of this potential was conducted, comparing the end-of-year mathematics test results of ...
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JISC/HE Academy OER Programme: Phase 2 synthesis and evaluation report
McGill, Lou; Falconer, Isobel; Beetham, H.; Littlejohn, Allison
Phase 2 of the JISC/HEA jointly funded UK OER programme was launched in October 2010. The aim of this second phase of funding was to build on the lessons learned in the pilot phase - across institutions, individual ...
Match: mcgill, lou

Overview and analysis of practices with open educational resources in adult education in Europe
Falconer, Isobel; McGill, Lou; Littlejohn, Allison; Boursinou, Eleni; et al.
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Match: mcgill, lou

2016 Florida student textbook & course materials survey
Donaldson, Robin L.; Shen, E.
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Match: materials