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The brightly illuminated path: Facilitating an OER program at community college
Blick, William and Marcus, Sandra

PublishedMarch 2016
JournalCollege Student Journal
Volume 51, Issue 1, Pages 29-32
PublisherProject Innovation
CountryUnited States, North America

The use of Open Education Resources represents a noble cause, but the idea often remains elusive for many faculty members. In 2015, librarians at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York, implemented a campaign to promote and facilitate the use and development of OERs. The primary objective was to reduce the growing financial burden on students in textbook purchase requirements. Concomitant goals were to provide instructors with greater academic control and freedom in course content, and to add to the pool of knowledge and resources for collaborative faculty work. The core of the Queensborough campaign was the offer of grants to foster the creation of OERs. The campaign was successful, resulting in the growing presence of OERs on campus steadily gaining momentum.

Keywords community college · grant funding · open access · Open Educational Resources

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