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Annex A – Mid-term evaluation of the OpenAIRE post-grant OA pilot
Johnson, Rob · Fosci, Mattia · Chiarelli, Andrea · Pinfield, Stephen · Jubb, Michael · Research Consulting [corporate]

PublishedFebruary 2017
PeriodicalPages 1-19

Accompanying the report is an Annex (pdf) which contains our mid-term evaluation of the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot, organised by OpenAIRE.

Report found here:

Keywords alternative funding mechanism · case studies · OA research · open access publishing

RefereedDoes not apply
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Towards a competitive and sustainable OA market in Europe – A study of the open access market and policy environment
Johnson, Rob; Fosci, Mattia; Chiarelli, Andrea; Pinfield, Stephen; Jubb, Michael
This study considers the economic factors contributing to the current state of the open-access publishing market, and evaluates the potential for European policymakers to enhance market competition and sustainability in ...
Match: Johnson, Rob; Fosci, Mattia; Chiarelli, Andrea; Pinfield, Stephen; Jubb, Michael; open access publishing

Putting down roots: Securing the future of open-access policies
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Repositories of open educational resources: An assessment of reuse and educational aspects
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MOOC for capacity building in Indian agriculture
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Innovation in EU communication: MOOCs from the European Committee of the Regions
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