Open content: From walled gardens to collaborative learning
Published | February 2010 |
Journal | Incite Volume 31, Issue 1/2 |
Country | New Zealand, Australia, Oceania |
The 2009 Horizon Report for Australia and New Zealand lists Open Content as one of the key emerging educational technologies in the next two to three years. While Open Content appears to be relatively straightforward it faces many challenges, such as a lack of creators and features that enhance accessibility. UTS Library is overcoming these challenges by providing open access to Information Literacy tutorials in our InfoSkills (Learning Objects) database, and improving findability through descriptive Metadata and Search Engine Crawlers.Keywords | governmental policy · libraries · OER barriers · OER content · OER creation · open access · open content · social learning |
ISSN | 0158-0876 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | Informit v4.0 Copyright © 2015 |
URL |;dn=740164184627972;res=IELAPA |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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