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AM-OER: An agile method for the development of open educational resources
Arimoto, Maurício M. · Barroca, Leonor · Barbosa, Ellen F. · Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of São Paulo [corporate] · Centre of Technological Sciences, State University of Northern Paraná [corporate] · Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology, The Open University, United Kingdom [corporate]

PublishedNovember 2016
JournalInformatics in Education
Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 205 - 233

Open Educational Resources have emerged as important elements of education in the contemporary society, promoting life-long and personalized learning that transcends social, economic and geographical barriers. To achieve the potential of OERs and bring impact on education, it is necessary to increase their development and supply. However, one of the current challenges is how to produce quality and relevant OERs to be reused and adapted to different contexts and learning situations. In this paper we proposed an agile method for the development of OERs–AM-OER, grounded on agile practices from Software Engineering. Learning Design practices from the OULDI project (UK Open University) are also embedded into the AM-OER aiming at improving quality and facilitating reuse and adaptation of OERs. In order to validate AM-OER, an experiment was conducted by applying it in the development of an OER on software testing. The results showed preliminary evidences on the applicability, effectiveness and efficiency of the method in the development of OERs.

Keywords agile methods · learning design · Open Educational Resources

Rights© 2016 Vilnius University
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