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Enhanced peer assessment in MOOC evaluation Through assignment and review analysis
Alcarria, Ramón · Bordel, Borja · de Andrés, Diego Martín · Robles, Tomás

PublishedJanuary 2018
JournalInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 206–219

The rapid evolution of MOOCs in recent years has produced a change in the education of students and in the development of professional skills. There is an increasing pressure on universities to establish procedures for the recognition and certification of student participation in MOOCs. In order to guarantee that the evaluation procedures are in line with the quality of the procedures traditionally established in the university, a proposal for an enhanced peer assessment is required to allow a more precise review of the students' tasks and the assessments provided by his colleagues, considering procedures of verification of originality and a complete rubric for the peer review that takes into account reviewer’s history for a correct grade calibration. This paper describes the implementation of the evaluation tool, and an experimental validation that indicates that the majority of the students who have used the tool for the revision of assignments have generated grades closer to the revisions generated by the professors in the study.

Keywords Learning Tools Interoperability · MOOC · originality check · P2P activity · peer assessment · self-plagiarism · semi-automatic evaluation

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