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Narrativa transmídia e sua potencialidade na educação aberta
Gosciola, Vicente · Versuti, Andrea · Okada, Alexandra [secondary]

Secondary titleRecursos educacionais abertos e redes sociais: Co-aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional
PublisherSite do livro REA e Redes Sociais, CoLearn/Open University

Este capítulo trata da conceituação e de sua aplicação como Recurso Educacional Aberto (REA) da narrativa transmídia, transmedia storytelling, considerando-a como um recurso diferenciado para contar estórias ampliadas também no campo educacional, pressupondo a intensa interatividade do sujeito com a interface e a profícua interação dos sujeitos envolvidos no seu processo comunicacional.

Published atLondred
Other informationNarrativa transmídia e sua potencialidade na educação aberta
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Coaprendizagem através de REA e Mídias Sociais
Okada, Alexandra; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Meister, Izabel; Little, Suzanne; Okada, Alexandra
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Open educators and colearners as DJs: Reuse, remix, and recreate OER collaboratively!
Okada, Alexandra; Leslie, Scott; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
The aim of this chapter is to examine key factors for facilitating the development of reusable learning content (RLC) from the perspective of open educators and collaborative learners (colearners). Reusability is an ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Managing assessment resources in the open ICOPER content space
Rojas, Israel Gutiérrez; Crespo, Raquel M.; Totschnig, Michael; Leony, Derick; et al.
With the introduction of the Web 2.0 philosophy in the learning arena, the way learning actors interact has changed substantially. From a collaborative perspective, all the actors in the learning landscape could make ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Knowledge cartography for open sensemaking communities
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra; McAndrew, Patrick
Knowledge Cartography is the discipline of visually mapping the conceptual structure of ideas, such as the connections between issues, concepts, answers, arguments and evidence. The cognitive process of externalising ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Knowledge sharing and collaboration as indicators of learning in OER communities
Petrides, Lisa; Jimes, Cynthia; Hedgspeth, Carol; Connolly, Teresa; et al.
This work specifically sheds light on the ways that OER impacts teacher professional development, knowledge building, and interactive problem solving around teaching practice. Drawing on key findings from several ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

CoLearn 2.0 – Coaprendizagem via comunidades abertas de pesquisa, práticas e recursos educacionais
Okada, Alexandra
Este artigo visa refletir sobre o conceito de coaprendizagem (colearn 2.0) baseado na aprendizagem aberta colaborativa na web 2.0. Outro objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar alguns projetos internacionais com foco em ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Open Educational Resources: Lifelong learning for engaged ageing
Misra, Pradeep Kumar; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
All over the world, governments, societies, and researchers are looking for ways to keep the ageing population active and engaged. The need of the hour is in looking for the tools that can help in making ageing ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Web 2.0 open remote and virtual laboratories in engineering education
Salzmann, Christophe; Gillet, Denis; Esquembre, Francisco; Vargas, Héctor; et al.
This chapter presents challenges in deploying remote and virtual laboratories as open educational resources with application to engineering education, as well as current trends in using Web 2.0 technologies to enable ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Designing Open Educational Resources through Knowledge Maps to enhance Meaningful learning
Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
This paper demonstrates some pedagogical strategies for developing Open Educational Resources (OERs) using the knowledge mapping tool Compendium. It also describes applications of Knowledge Maps to facilitate meaningful ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

JIME editorial: Researching open content for education
McAndrew, Patrick; Godwin, Stephen; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Okada, Alexandra
This special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) builds from selected papers from the OpenLearn2007 conference [1] where researchers were invited to report on their research across themes of ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra