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Research on open educational resources for development in the Global South: Project landscape
Arinto, Patricia · Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl · King, Thomas · Cartmill, Tess · Willmers, Michelle

PublishedDecember 2017
PeriodicalChapter 1, Pages 3-26
PublisherAdoption and impact of OER in the Global South, African Minds, International Development Research Centre & Research on Open Educational Resources
EditorsHodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl and Arinto, Patricia B.

The Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project was proposed to investigate in what ways and under what circumstances the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) could address the increasing demand for accessible, relevant, high-quality and affordable education in the Global South. The project was originally intended to focus on post-secondary education, but the scope was expanded to include basic education teachers and government funding when it launched in 2013. In 2014, the research agenda was further expanded to include the potential impact of OER adoption and associated Open Educational Practices (OEP).

ROER4D was funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Open Society Foundations (OFS), and built upon prior research undertaken by a previous IDRC-funded initiative, the PAN Asia Networking Distance and Open Resources Access (PANdora) project.

This chapter presents the overall context in which the ROER4D project was located and investigated, drawing attention to the key challenges confronting education in the Global South and citing related studies on how OER can help to address these issues. It provides an abbreviated history of the project and a snapshot of the geographic location of the studies it comprises, the constituent research agendas, the methodologies adopted and the research-participant profile. It also provides an overview of the other 15 chapters in this volume and explains the peer review process.

Keywords access · development · educational challenges · global south · OEP · OER · open education · open educational practices · Open Educational Resources · ROER4D

Published atCape Town & Ottawa
RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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Factors influencing open educational practices and OER in the Global South: Meta-synthesis of the ROER4D project
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia; Cartmill, Tess; King, Thomas; et al.
This chapter provides a meta-synthesis of the findings from the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) empirical studies based on the 13 sub-project chapters in this volume as well as other ...
Match: arinto, patricia; hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; king, thomas; cartmill, tess; global south; oep; oer; open education; open educational practices; open educational resources; roer4d

OER and OEP in the Global South: Implications and recommendations for social inclusion
Arinto, Patricia; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Trotter, Henry; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
The Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project was undertaken to provide a better understanding of the uptake of Open Educational Resources (OER) and their impact on education in the Global ...
Match: arinto, patricia; hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; development; access; global south; oep; oer; open education; open educational practices; open educational resources; roer4d

Teacher professional learning communities: A collaborative OER adoption approach in Karnataka, India
Kasinathan, Gurumurthy; Ranganathan, Sriranjani; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
This chapter analyses collaborative Open Educational Resources (OER) adoption amongst Indian school teachers by examining the enabling and constraining techno-social, techno-pedagogical and sociocultural factors in an ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; global south; oep; oer; open education; open educational practices; open educational resources; roer4d

Impact of integrating OER in teacher education at the Open University of Sri Lanka
Karunanayaka, Shironica P.; Naidu, Som; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
This chapter reports on a research project implemented in the Faculty of Education at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) which investigated the impact of integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) in the ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; global south; oep; oer; open education; open educational practices; open educational resources; roer4d

Teacher educators and OER in East Africa: Interrogating pedagogic change
Wolfenden, Freda; Auckloo, Pritee; Buckler, Alison; Cullen, Jane; et al.
This study examines the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in six teacher education institutions in three contrasting East African settings – Mauritius, Tanzania and Uganda – all of which had previous ...
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OER in and as MOOCs
Czerniewicz, Laura; Deacon, Andrew; Walji, Sukaina; Glover, Michael; et al.
This chapter reports on the investigation into the production and rollout of four Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa, and on the experiences of the educators ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; global south; oep; oer; open educational practices; open educational resources; roer4d

Factors shaping lecturers' adoption of OER at three South African universities
Cox, Glenda; Trotter, Henry; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
The research presented here focuses on understanding the obstacles, opportunities and practices associated with Open Educational Resources (OER) adoption at three South African universities. It addresses the question: ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; access; global south; oer; open education; open educational resources; roer4d

Effectiveness of OER use in first-year higher education students' mathematical course performance: A case study
Westermann Juárez, Werner; Venegas Muggli, Juan Ignacio; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
This chapter aims to understand the impact of Open Educational Resources (OER) on first-year mathematics students at the Instituto Profesional Providencia (IPP) in Santiago, Chile, where more than half (52%) of ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; global south; oep; oer; open education; open educational resources; roer4d

Co-creation of OER by teachers and teacher educators in Colombia
Sáenz, Maria de Pilar; Hernandez, Ulises; Hernández, Yoli Marcela; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
This chapter, based on research conducted by members of the Collaborative CoCreation of Open Educational Resources by Teachers and Teacher Educators in Colombia (coKREA) project, assesses whether and how a contextually ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; oep; oer; open education; open educational practices; open educational resources; roer4d

An early stage impact study of localised OER in Afghanistan
Oates, Lauryn; Goger, Letha Kay; Hashimi, Jamshid; Farahmand, Mubaraka; et al.
This study evaluates a group of Afghan teachers’ use of Open Educational Resources (OER) from the Darakht-e Danesh Library (DDL) – a digital library comprised of educational materials in English, Dari and Pashto – ...
Match: hodgkinson-williams, cheryl; global south; oer; open education; open educational resources; roer4d