Live annotation and content discovery in personal learning environments
Published | 2010 |
Conference | 3rd Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments at 5th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL'10): Sustaining TEL |
Keywords | content discovery · live annotation · personal learning · LMS · social learning · Open Educational Resources |
Language | eng |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Crowdsourcing education on the web: A role-based analysis of online learning communities
Corneli, Joseph; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Scott, Peter J.; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra
Learning online has significantly evolved over the past decade due to the emergence of Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies that facilitate social learning in adaptive online environments. The open content movement and the ...
Match: Corneli, Joseph; Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Coaprendizagem através de REA e Mídias Sociais
Okada, Alexandra; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Meister, Izabel; Little, Suzanne; Okada, Alexandra
Match: Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Adapting and sharing open educational resources: a social networking approach
Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
Open educational resources (OER) have recently emerged as an answer to the need for open and reusable educational material, freely available online. This paper describes a social networking approach in adapting and ...
Match: Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Case Study 3: Exploring Open Educational Resources for informal learning
Alexander Mikroyannidis; Connolly, Teresa; Kroop, Sylvana; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Wolpers, Martin
This chapter explores the potential of informal learning within a Personal Learning Environment (PLE), as well as the identified informal learning cultures that have evolved from the use of Open Educational Resources ...
Match: Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices
Bozkurt, Aras; Gjelsvik, Torunn; Adam, Taskeen; Asino, Tutaleni I.; et al.
Why is Openness in Education important, and why is it critically needed at this moment? As manifested in our guiding question, the significance of Openness in Education and its immediate necessity form the heart of this ...
Match: Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Creación Y Evaluación De Objetos Virtuales De Aprendizaje Como Componente De Una Asignatura Teórico-Práctica
Hurtado Londoño, Jairo Alberto
En la actualidad es cada vez mayor el número de recursos y posibilidades tecnológicas a las cuales tienen acceso las personas que deseen aprender sobre algún tema en particular. Dentro de esta amplia gama de material ...
Match: LMS
Open-sourcing' personal learning
Fiedler, Sebastian H D.
This article offers a critical reflection on the contemporary Open Educational Resource (OER) movement, its unquestioned investment in a collective 'content fetish' and an educational 'problem description' that focuses ...
Match: personal learning; Open Educational Resources
Choosing the right platform for OER projects
Hwang, Meena
There are many technical decisions to be made in starting an open educational resources (OER) project, and a decision on what platform to use is one of the most preliminary and important considerations. OER projects ...
Match: LMS; Open Educational Resources
Perspectives on the open access discovery landscape
Fahmy, Sarah
Open access discovery tools enable users to find scholarly articles that are available in open form, whether on a publisher’s website or elsewhere. This is a technically-challenging endeavour and also requires a deep ...
Match: content discovery
Open courses: The next big thing in eLearning?
Kikkas, Kaido; Laanpere, Mart; Põldoja, Hans; Rospigliosi, AsherEditor
During the last 15 years, eLearning has undergone a number of changes regarding openness of the learning environment, learning resources as well as the process of teaching and learning. After the initial period, when ...
Match: personal learning