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The double classroom: Design patterns using MOOCs in teacher education
Nortvig, Anne-Mette and Gynther, Karsten

PublishedMay 2017
Conference5th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOCs 2017, Madrid, Spain, May 22-26, 2017, Digital Education: Out to the World and Back to the Campus
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
Edition 1, Volume 10254, Pages 254-262
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
EditorsKloos, Carlos Delgado · Jermann, Patrick · Pérez-Sanagustín, Mar · Seaton, Daniel T. · White, Su
CountrySpain, Europe

This paper presents findings from a study that used an archived MOOC as Open Educational Resources in teacher education in a hybrid learning setting. Using a design-based research approach created through collaboration with educators, two design patterns have been developed and tested to differentiate teaching and to enhance the feedback to students. The findings show that when MOOC resources are integrated, it 'doubles' the classroom, meaning it doubles the teacher's opportunities for being present in more places at once, both digitally on video and physically. Furthermore, MOOCs make it possible to parallelize the teaching, allowing some students to learn in MOOCs and others in a face-to-face manner on campus, as per their specific needs and situations. The paper also highlights some of the teachers' fears in relation to MOOCs, such as becoming residual in the classroom when the MOOC takes over the teacher's role.

Keywords Design-Based Research · differentiation · MOOC · teacher education

Published atMadrid
Rights© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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