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Book Review: Shank, John D., Interactive open educational resources: a guide to finding, choosing, and using what's out there to transform college teaching.
Ariew, S.A.

Type of workBook Review
JournalCHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
Pages 1950

Shank, John D. Interactive open educational resources: a guide to finding, choosing, and using what's out there to transform college teaching. Jossey-Bass, 2014. 176p bibl index ISBN 9781118277454 pbk, $38.00 [...]

Keywords book review · Open Educational Resources

RightsCopyright 2014 American Library Association
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Open Educational Resources
OER include full courses, course materials, knowledge activities, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
Match: Open Educational Resources

Open educational resources
Havemann, Leo; Peters, Michael A.; Peters, M A.
Introduction For many in education, the term Open Educational Resources or OER probably translates functionally as ‘free resources on the internet’. But this shorthand provides only a partial definition which ...

Open educational resources
Daksha, Patel; Parsley, Sally
Historically, ‘open education’ has involved making education more accessible, whether by lowering cost or by enabling delivery at a distance. In our technological age, open education has become a global sharing of ...

Open Educational Resources
Mallon, Melissa
Match: Open Educational Resources

Open educational resources at UCL
Tiedau, Ulrich
OER Commons is the first comprehensive open learning network where teachers and professors (from pre-K to graduate school) can access their colleagues course materials, share their own, and collaborate on affecting ...
Match: Open Educational Resources

Uptake of OER by staff in distance education in South Africa
de Hart, Kerry Lynn; Chetty, Yuraisha B.; Archer, Elizabeth
Open Educational Resources (OER) emerged within the context of open education which is typically characterized by the sharing of knowledge and resources and the exchange of ideas. Unisa as a mega open distance learning ...
Match: Open Educational Resources

Open educational resources and global online learning
McGreal, Rory
This piece highlights how Open Educational Resources (OER) can help bridge the knowledge divide to achieve equity in education. The author discusses the different digital barriers set in place to prevent free access to ...

Higher education: The success and challenges in Open Education Resources (OER)
Pena, Heather
Open Education Resources (OER) in higher education is reaching new platforms around the world. In this paper I would like to explore the success and challenges that higher education face when adopting an OER platform. ...
Match: Open Educational Resources

An empirical investigation of the emergent issues around OER adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ngimwa, Pauline; Wilson, Tina
In the past few years, Africa has joined the rest of the world as an active participant in the Open Educational Resource (OER) movement with a number of home-grown and externally driven initiatives. These have the ...
Match: Open Educational Resources

Development of open textbooks learning analytics system
Prasad, Deepak; Totaram, Rajneel; Usagawa, Tsuyoshi
Textbook costs have skyrocketed in recent years, putting them beyond the reach of many students, but there are options which can mitigate this problem. Open textbooks, an open educational resource, have proven capable ...
Match: Open Educational Resources