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What have they done with the MOOCs?! The impact of MOOCs on Campus Education
Cabral, Pedro · van Valkenburg, Willem · Dopper, Sofia

PublishedOctober 2016
ConferenceEnhancing European Higher Education “Opportunities and impact of new modes of teaching”, Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference
Pages 652-660
EditorsUbachs, George and Konings, Lizzie
CountryNetherlands, Europe

Overview of papers on enhancement of European Higher Education as presented during the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference in Rome, October 2016

In 2013 Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) started to offer Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on the EdX platform. One of the main principles in the MOOC development process was to publish all educational resources under an open license (Creative Commons License) (Ouwehand, 2015). This aligned with TU Delft’s Open Access Policy. Another important starting point in the MOOC development process was the aim to improve campus education by integrating MOOC content in those courses.
The impact of MOOCs concerns not only the world outside the university, but more importantly also within the university. Especially for a traditional brick-and-mortar research-based university, like TU Delft, this is a big gain: education has become more important. In the past three years it has become clear that developing a MOOC has led lecturers to re-think their approach towards teaching and to integrate MOOC materials in campus education, which has impact on the way they teach on campus. MOOCs are used on campus in different ways, from a small addition to an existing course to a full integration into a completely redesigned campus course. Moreover, some teachers became conscious of the importance of educational resources under CC License and started to use material from other universities. One of the faculties created a course which uses MOOC materials to help the students to prepare for a master program. This paper describes the way in which MOOCs have been used in campus education and the impact this has had on teaching and learning.

Keywords blended learning · campus courses · improving · MOOC · Open Educational Resources

Published atRome, Italy
RightsCopyright © 2016 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and the authors. All rights reserved.
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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