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Negotiation and conflict resolution education in the age of the MOOC
Ebner, Noam

Published19 July 2016
JournalSSRN Electronic Journal
Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 231-260
CountryUnited States, North America

Even as online learning is increasingly embraced by institutions of higher education, the past decade has seen the arrival of yet another new educational vehicle: massive online open courses (MOOCs). These courses are designed to disseminate knowledge at an unprecedented scale — even as they engender concerns about quality, learning efficacy, and the future of higher education. In this article, I discuss the MOOC phenomenon and describe a MOOC on negotiation that I developed and taught, exploring the advantages that such a course offers for negotiation and conflict resolution education in particular.

Keywords conflict resolution · course · distance · MOOC · negotiation · online · pedagogy · teaching

Published atRochester, NY
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