Promoting open access and open educational resources to faculty
Published | May 2018 |
Journal | The Serials Librarian Volume 74, Issue 1-4, Pages 145-150 |
Country | United States, North America |
Student debt is a complicated issue and many institutions of higher education are investigating solutions to ease the financial burdens of their students. Adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) in the classroom benefits students by reducing course costs and allows faculty more freedom in choosing instructional tools. Open Access publishing can also benefit faculty by increasing exposure to their work. To encourage the use of OER and Open Access publishing, the Electronic Resources Librarian and Educational Technology Manager at Ohio Northern University collaborated to conduct custom workshops for individual departments, leveraging library/faculty liaison relationships and the expertise of the department of Educational Technology.Keywords | collaboration · educational technology · faculty relationships · Open Educational Resources |
ISSN | 1541-1095 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | Copyright © 2018 Informa UK Limited |
DOI | 10.1080/0361526X.2018.1428470 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Opening up Down Under: the role of open educational resources in promoting social inclusion in Australia
Bossu, Carina; Bull, David; Brown, Mark
This article discusses the role of open and distance learning to widen participation and promote social inclusion within Australian higher education, as well as the benefits that open educational resources (OER) could ...
Match: promoting; open educational resources
Distance education and its potential for international co-operative education
Frydenberg, J.
This paper summarises some of the major trends in distance education in the first decade of the 21st Century, and explores the implications of these trends for international collaboration among institutions of ...
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The Creation of OpenCourseWare at MIT
Abelson, Hal
This paper traces the genesis of the MIT OpenCourseWare project from its initial strategic precursors in 1999 and 2000, through its launch in 2001 and its subsequent evolution. The story told here illuminates the ...
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Lifelong learning and partnerships: rethinking the boundaries of the university in the digital age
Cannell, Pete
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Match: collaboration; open educational resources; north america
Understanding reusability as a key factor for Open Education: A review
Chiappe, Andres; Arias, Vivian; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
This article describes both the process and the results of an extensive literature review on reusability as one of the key factors for the creation of open content in the context of open and distance learning. ...
Match: educational technology; open educational resources
Using educational technology to reach a wider audience for healthcare technology management
de Ruijter, P.; Ferreira, Giselle; Parsons, R.
We discuss a collaboration between Health Partners International, HEART and the Open University (OpenLearn) to develop a short open access course for the purpose of improving policy making and practice in healthcare ...
Match: educational technology; open educational resources
Open Educational Resources: Higher education students' knowledge and use
Alves, Paulo; Miranda, Luísa; Morais, Carlos
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Open educational resources: Inquiring into author use and reuse
Petrides, Lisa; Nguyen, Lilly; Jimes, Cynthia; Karaglani, Anastasia
For teachers and learners, the proliferation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in combination with advances in information technologies has meant centralised access to materials and the possibility of creating, using, ...
Match: collaboration; open educational resources
Scholarship in the digital age: Open educational resources, publication and public engagement.
Scanlon, Eileen
This paper explores the impact of the digital age on the work life of academics and
reports research on how and whether technologies are facilitating and adapting the
teaching and research practices of academics, ...
Match: educational technology; open educational resources
Who Gets to Wield Academic Mjolnir?: On Worthiness, Knowledge Curation, and Using the Power of the People to Diversify OER
Nusbaum, Amy T.
In many academic fields Western/white/male/cishetero/abled perspectives are often centered, while other perspectives are presented as “other.” Implicitly, this sends messages to students that success looks like one ...
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