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Advancing teaching with massive open online courses: A review of case studies
Li, Kam Cheong and Wong, Billy Tak Ming

PublishedFebruary 2019
JournalInternational Journal of Innovation and Learning
Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 141-155
PublisherInderScience Online
CountryHong Kong, Asia

This paper reviews the adoption of massive open online courses (MOOCs) by higher education institutions for teaching on-campus courses, and summarises the good practices from relevant case studies. From a total of 28 case studies, it identifies the characteristics of MOOC adoption - platforms, course materials, approaches to facilitate interaction, and assessment methods. The good practices highlight the importance of: 1) the division of labour in implementing MOOCs; 2) the effective use of technology; 3) course redesign based on experience with MOOCs. Examples of institutional practices in adopting MOOCs are provided, illustrating the diverse ways of utilising them to offer students a flexible and personalised learning experience in on-campus courses and tackle the challenges encountered during the adoption of MOOCs.

Keywords bMOOCs · classroom · higher education · massive open online courses · MOOCs · teaching

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