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User-generated content’s impact on the sustainability of Open Educational Resources
Ganapathi, Janani

PublishedJune 2019
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 211-225
CountryAustralia, Oceania

Sustainability is a fundamental requirement to ensure long-term viability of open educational resource (OER) initiatives. To afford technology upgrades and author costs, most of the existing initiatives are heavily reliant on continued funding; limiting OER models to invest in commissioned works. User-generated resources come as a solution to this problem, although a fairly novel concept to the area of child literacy. Consequently, there is little evidence available in earlier literature on their use for education. With online platforms such as social media and gaming sites encouraging users to collaborate and create original content, user-generation is a potential instrument for circumventing costs and achieving rapid dissemination of works. However, it also presents a significant downside – questionable quality. This paper discusses the use of user-created OERs for literacy, exploring the quality and sustainability implications that arise from this creation method and the measures undertaken by an Indian organization to overcome the same.

Keywords child literacy · cost · Open Educational Resources · quality assurance · sustainability · user-generated content

RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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