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MOOC-based flipped learning in higher education: students’ participation, experience and learning performance
Wang, Kai and Zhu, Chang

Published26 August 2019
JournalInternational Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Volume 16, Issue 33, Pages 1-16
CountryBelgium, Europe

Relying on advanced network technologies, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can support the transformation and deep construction of high-quality open courses. However, with the use of MOOCs in many universities and colleges, new issues have emerged. MOOCs are not specifically designed for local conditions. Researchers lack understanding of the effectiveness of using shared MOOCs in traditional university teaching. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of MOOC-based flipped learning and to propose clear reuse guidelines for MOOCs in the traditional university education. We conducted a quasi-experiment in an inorganic chemistry course. The results were presented in terms of learners’ participation and learning performance, and a post-task survey and interviews were also conducted to investigate the students’ experiences in order to include these experiences in design and research plans of MOOCs-based flipped learning. The results showed that students in the MOOC-based flipped classroom on average performed better than those in the traditional classroom. However, no changes in self-efficacy and self-regulated learning were detected after the end of the course. In addition, the quantitative and qualitative data combined indicated that most students had a favorable experience of the flipped classroom, in terms of student–student interaction, available learning materials, and active learning results. Implications for MOOC integration are discussed.

Keywords MOOCs · flipped learning · higher education · learning performance

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