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Developing open practices in teacher education: An example of integrating OER and developing renewable assignments
Van Allen, Jennifer and Katz, Stacy

PublishedAugust 2019
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 311-319
CountryUnited States, North America

This manuscript offers a reasoning for and example of integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) and open pedagogy within a teacher education course. We highlight a collaborative partnership between library faculty and education faculty and the decision points and processes we used when redesigning this course to provide an example of adopting OER and our considerations for developing a renewable assignment. The benefits of using OER for K-12 teachers include increasing awareness of and providing opportunities to develop open practices. The transition to a renewable assignment creates a space for teaching candidates to meaningfully contribute to the profession and engage in collaboration across time and space. Teacher education programs provide an ideal space to develop digital literacies and open practices.

Keywords OER · open education · OER-enabled pedagogy · open pedagogy · teacher education · renewable assignments

Published atNew York
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