The Impact of Adopting OER Videos as Supplementary Resources on Student Scores and Engagement
Published | 2024 |
Periodical | Pages 109 |
Institution | Claremont Graduate University |
Country | United States, North America |
Open educational resources (OER) have gained immense popularity in recent years, due to their ability to offer students and educators access to high-quality, free-to-use educational materials. The widespread use of OER has also been driven by the increasing availability of digital resources and the internet, which has made it easier to create and share educational materials. The scholarly literature demonstrates the significant benefits that can be gained by incorporating technology into educational practices. This study aimed to examine the impact of adopting OER videos as supplementary resources on student scores and engagement. The study employed a quasi-experimental design complemented by a survey conducted with the treatment group at the end of the experiment. The independent t-test results on the impact of adopting OER on student scores revealed no significant difference between the control group (who did not use OER) and the treatment group (who used OER). However, descriptive statistics indicated a positive effect on student engagement, supporting the alternative hypothesis that incorporating OER videos influences student engagement in traditional mathematics courses. These results suggest that OER videos can serve as an effective tool for promoting student engagement, even if their immediate effect on academic performance is limited. The findings also underscore the importance of careful instructional design in maximizing the impact of OER resources, as cognitive load and the complexity of the material may influence their effectiveness.Keywords | benefits · open educational resources · educational videos · student engagement · supplementary resources · cognitive load |
Language | English |
ISBN | 9798346861508 |
Refereed | Yes |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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