Non-government distance education funding: The need for equity in Australian schooling
Published | August 2012 |
Journal | Distance Education Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 271 - 278 |
This reflection outlines the problems associated with the Australian Government’s recurrent funding policy for non-government distance education. It demonstrates the policy’s inconsistencies with stated government educational policy and with commonly held expectations of fairness in a democratic society. A comparison of the current funding of non-government distance education to various long-standing educational delivery modes demonstrates that non-government distance education is yet to be appropriately funded by the Commonwealth. The discussion concludes by indicating that this emerging pedagogy is distinct from traditional schooling, that its students ought to be given the same educational opportunities as other Australian school students, and that the current policy ought to be redressed expeditiously.Keywords | Commonwealth funding · distance education · distance education funding · funding equity · school funding |
ISSN | 1475-0198 |
Rights | This article is NOT openly licensed. |
DOI | 10.1080/01587919.2012.692069 |
Other information | Distance Education |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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