A bottom-up standards approach towards developing OERs
Published | September 2012 |
Conference | Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Open Educational Resources: An Asian perspective on policy and practices Pages 1-8 |
Country | Malaysia |
The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement is ten years old. Yet, there is still a lack of widespread implementations in educational institutions that adopt the three main principles of the OER movement. Starting with the use of open source software and the need to reuse educational contents, the SIM University has been trying out a possible development model which can be extended to realize the objectives of the OER movement. Specifically, this paper outlines the use of the open source based Ilias learning management system, the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Specification (for creating different learning sequences) and the use of the licenses like the Creative Commons license to develop contents for students of the SIM University. The author offers some suggestions on how such a bottom-up developmental model can be expanded to form an implementable OER environment that can address learning sequences and content reusability.Keywords | open access · Open Educational Resources · open source · SCORM |
Published at | Penang |
Language | en |
Refereed | Yes |
URL | http://www.oerasia.org/oersymposium |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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