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Merging MOOC and mLearning for increased learner interactions
de Waard, Inge · Koutropoulos, Apostolos · Hogue, Rebecca J. · Abajian, Sean C. · Keskin, Nilgün Özdamar · Rodriguez, Osvaldo C. · Gallagher, Michael Sean

PublishedMarch 2012
JournalInternational Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 34 - 46

In this paper, the authors suggest the merger of the Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) format and mobile learning (mLearning) based on mutual affordances of both contemporary learning/teaching formats to investigate learner interactions and dialogues in an open online course. The paper presents a case study of how MobiMOOC, a course created using the MOOC format, demonstrates the synergistic characteristics between the MOOC format and mLearning, making a combination of both fields ideal for contemporary, digital, collaborative learning, and knowledge construction based on learner interactions and dialogue. MobiMOOC was a six-week online course focusing on mLearning that ran in April and May 2011. An end-of-course survey provides insight that supports the synergies between MOOCs and mLearning: collaboration, informal and lifelong learning, and dialogue.

Keywords learner interaction · mLearning · mobimoocs · MOOC

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